samedi 20 juin 2009

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vendredi 19 juin 2009

Epreuve bfem 2008

Without water, life could not exist. Water is essential to people in more ways than we might think. We need water for cooking, bathing, transportation and recreation. We eat aquatic plants and animals. We use water to irrigate our crops and manufacture our products. We think there is plenty of it- in oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. It may even seem as though we have more water than we need.

Most of the water on earth-97 percent- is salt water stored in oceans. Only about three percent of the earth's water is fresh water- and most of that is locked up in ice caps and glaciers. The same water is simply recycled over and over again. Just think- the water we are using is the same that the dinosaurs used millions of years ago.

Where does your drinking water come from? Some folks depend on surface water, such as lakes and rivers; others use water that collects underground. In some small communities, people get their water fom public wells and carry it home in pots and buckets. Many big cities rely on networks of pipes, pumps and other equipment that cleans and carries water from the watershed to the kitchen.

Because water is esential; we must manage it carefully. Water is considered at "risk" when it contains materials than can harm people and other organisms. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants may be chemical, industrial waste, small particles of soil or sewage.

The color and clarity of water can tell you a lot about whether it is polluted. Green color may indicate that the water contains fertilizers or animal waste. Orange-red may indicate that the water contains oil, blood from meat-processing plants, or chemicals from mines. Dark red, purple, and black might mean that the dyes from a textile mill or leather- tanning factory have got into water. The smell of water is another indicator of pollution. Thus, rotten-egg smell may indicate that water contains sewage or industrial waste.
Adapted from English Teaching forum, Jan-Mar 1999(pp 47-48)

I. Reading Comprehension ( 7pts)
A. True or False: write True or False after the folowing sentences, then justify with a relevant quotation from the text (1.5)

1. Polluted water is dangerous for people only.
Justify: ....................................................................
2. The biggest part of the water on earth is drinkable.
3. Only color and clarity permit to recognize polluted water.
B. Title/Paragraph matching: Match these titles with the paragraphs of the text. The first is given as an example ( 2pts)

Titles Paragraphs
4. Different sources of water / Paragraph 3
5. Water- indispenable for all / Paragraph.........
6. How to recognize the impurity of water/ Paragraph.........
7. So much water and so little to drink/ Paragraph........
8. Let us protect our water from danger/ Paragraph........

C. Reference: Who or what do the underlined words in the text refer to? (1.5)

9. " it" in " plenty of it"
10. "others" in " others use water that collects"
11. "we" in " we must mangage it carefully"

D. Vocabulary in context: Choose the correct answer among a, b, c, d proposals. ( 2pts)
12. "aquatic plants" are plants which grow:
a. without any water b. near or in water c. very far from water d. with a lot of water.
13. "fresh water" means water which:
a. is very cold b. is undrinkable c. is not salty d. has no suggar.
14. " harmful materials" are materials that:
a. we use as arms. b. people don't need c. people need a lot d. have a dangerous impact
15. "meat-processing plants" are:
a. factories that transform meat b. trees that produce meat c. meat used for growing plants d. factoties where meat is not eaten.
II. Linguistic competence ( 7pts)
E. Reformulations: rewrite the sentences without changing the initial meaning. (2pts)
16. People are pumping recycled water for irrigation.
- Recycled water..........................
17. Let's look after our water or it will be polluted.
- If we...........................................
18. " Don't waste my water I will need it tonight.", my mother said to us.
-My mother told us.....................
19. We must manage water carefully.
- It is necessary...........................
F. Verb tenses/ Forms: Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense or form. (2pts)

20. If we heat water at 100°C, it ..................................... bubbling. ( to start)
21. It's high time people.......................................about managing water. (to think)
22. It's no use................................ to drink; that water is undrinkable. ( to try)
23. If I had known about the lack of water, I.............................................. some with me. ( to bring)
G. Multiple Choices: Complete with the most appropriate answer. (2 pts)
24. No is liquid is ................................................ water.
a. as precious than b. so precious c. as precious as d. more precious as
25. The student: "Sir, ......................................... have people been using water?"
The teacher: " Since the creation of the world."
a. how long b. when c. how old d. what time
26. Mrs Ngom and Mrs Sarr always wash their.......................... clothes on Sundays.
a. husbands b. husband's c. husbands' d. husbands's
27. This is the man..................................... sells water in our district.
a. who's son b. whose son c. whom son d. which son
H. Word formation: Use the correct form of the words between brackets. (1pts)
28. Oceans have the highest...............................of water in the world. ( percent)
29. Recycled water is too..................................... for people to drink. ( risk)

III. Writing: ( 6 pts)

Choose one topic only and write about 150 words.

Topic 1
: One day, in your district or town or village, there was a problem of water. How did people react? What did you do to help find somutions?

Topic 2: One of your friends thinks that it is not impotant to manage water. You disagree with him or her write the conversation.

Topic 3: You are facing a water problem in your area. You write a letter to the ministry in charge of water resources to ask for his help.

lundi 8 juin 2009

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Corrigé compo. anglais 2nd semestre 3éme

I. Reading comprehension
A. The text is: b. a description of a book
B. All the sentences are false. Justify.
1. false: " Ramatoulaye must share her home with Bintou, her cowife."
2. False: " Aissatou, now a divorced woman living in the United States, left Mawdo after he took a cowife."
3. False: " Ramatoulaye's mother disapproved of her choice"
C. Paragraph title matching
1. friends and victims of plygamy= paragraph 4
2. Tradition versus modernity= paragraph 3
3. The context of the book = Paragraph 1
4. The lost husband= paragraph 2
D. Vocabulary in context
a. Synonyms
1. isolation= seclusion 2. belief= faith 3. thinks= muses 4. remembers= recalls 5. possibility= opportunity
b. Antonyms
1. minor#major 2. acccepted# disapproved 3. good# unfit 4. short#long 5. sad# happy
E. Reference
1. she refers to Ramatoulaye.
2. thes women refers to Ramatoulaye and Binetou
3. the dead refers to Modou Fall
II. Communicative linguistic comptence.
A. Rewrite
1. If her husband weren't dead, Ramatoulaye wouldn't feel lonely.
2. Ramatoulaye said to Aissatou that her husband had died the week before and the children had been crying so much.
3. Mamadou Fall was killed by a heart attack.
4. If her husband hadn't married a second wife, Ramatoulaye wouldn't have been unhappy.
B. Tenses
1. While Ramatoulaye was writing a letter to Aissatou, she started crying.
2. As soon as her husband marries a second wife, Penda will certainly go away.
3. Aissatou is living in the United States at the moment.
4. Mawdo has been running after Aissatou since she left him.
C. Asking questions
1. Ramatoulaye: who complains everyday because she is angry.
2. everyday: How often does Ramatoulaye complain because she is angry?
3. because she is angry: why does Ramatoulaye complain everyday?

Epreuve Bfem 2000


To a Kikuyu no woman is dearer or more beloved than his mother. For nine months she carries the burden of her child within her until she is relieved in the agony of birth. Then she nourrishes and cleans the child until it grows.
My mother had also striven desperately for my education all the days of my youth. it was eight years since I had last seen her, and she would never see now the fruits of her struggles. I had nothing, not even a photograph, to remind me of the charity, the beauty and wisdom of her face. She had once told me that it was her last dearest wish that she could see the girl I married, and that never be.
It is difficult to expalin the quality of my feelings to Europeans. We consider the relationship between a man and his wife as a partnership based on mutual respect and affection, the purpose of which is the upbringing of the children. This partnership often, but not necessarily develops into deeper alliance of spirit. But we have a saying: " the mother of a man is like second God and there is a sanctity about the relationship between a mother and her son that transcends other human emotions. There is no greater crime in our society than abusing or striking a mother, and the shame of it connot be compared with the consequences of a similar treatment of a wife.
The news of her death gave me greater pain than all than all the beating and the torture that I had been subjected to in all the camps put together. I learnt later that the others had not thought wise to tell me how she died, as they felt I might well do something terrible. Afterwards they told me that she first became ill during the twenty-three hour curfews that were imposed at the height of emergency. After treatment by the catholic missionaries she recovered, but she later had a relapse and months of deadful suffering were at last ended by her death.
J. M. Kariuki, Mau Mau Detainee.

Part one: Reading comprehension activities(07PTS)

A. Give a title to the text ( 0.5)
B. Say whether these sentences are true or false: justify by indicating the line number(1pt)
a. The narrator was eight years old when her mother died.
b. The nattator had not kept a photo of his mother.
c. The narrator's mother died when she was a prisoner.
d. The narrator's wife died before seeing her husband's mother.
C. Vocabulary (3.5)
1.Which words or phrases in the text are similar in meaninf to the following? ( 2pts)
a. make me remember=........ b. education=......... c.disrespectful,insulting=...... d.terrible=............
2. Word formation:
fill in the table.
nouns verbs adjectives
freedom .......... ..............
............... die ....................
3. The following words or phrases are all about the same topic; which one? (0.5)
treatment- recovered- had a relapse- sufferings-.........................................
D. Quote a part from the text showing that the mother is more repected than the wife. (0.5pts)
E. Reference. What do the following words or phrases refer to?
a. That could never be(line8)....... b. we consider.......... c. similar treatment( line15)

Part two: Linguistic competence (7pts)

A. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with (can, may, must) in their appropriat forms.
a. You........... smoke in class. b. Ahmed failed his exam. He will.......... to repeat his class.
C. This child is too small. He won't ............ to carry this heavy bag.
Ali: ............. you lend me your pen, please? Daba: Here you are.
d. The teacher.......... punish you if you don't do your hoemwork.

B. Fill in the gaps on the following sentences with ( during, for, ago, in since) 1.5PT
e. Last week I went to my village..... two days.
f. She hasn't seen her mother......... her last trip to the village.
g. My brother worked in that factory........... the rainy season of 1994.
h. ..................the christmas holydays I 'll travel to Dakar.
i. This is the best meal I 've had........... I came here.
J. People last saw her eight hours.............

C. Rewrite the sentences without changing their meanings.

a. I had been subjected to a lot of beating and torture.
b. "When did your wife arrive in Senegal?" his neighbour asked him.
-His neighbour wanted to know............................
c. We diddn't go to the theater; we went to the cinema.
- Instead of.......................
d. What a pity they couldn't come.

- I wish................
e. Kader can sing very well. So can Aicha.
- Both................
f. Waly hasn't got a job yet. Azize hasn't got one.


Write 1OO-120 words on one of the following topics.

1. Write a letter to a friend about a recent event which deeply affected you.
2. Who do you prefer, your father or your mother? why?
3. Abdoul: You know, Mame Awa, mother is like a second God; she is not an ordinary person.
Mame: Heavens! How can you compare a person to God? She may be important but...........

Complete this dialogue in which everyone is trying to convince the other. ( 10 to 12 lines)

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jeudi 21 mai 2009

Epreuve du Bfem 2004

B.F.E.M. 2004-EPREUVE: ANGLAIS LV1-DUREE: 2H-coefficient:2

Eminem was born in Kansas city in 1972 and he got his name by pronouncing his initials( M&M) from Marshal Mathers. As a child, Eminem and his mother kept moving betweent Kansas city and Detroit, switching every two or three months, which made it difficult for him to make friends and stay out of trouble. Eminem dropped out of school as a teenager. Eminem started rapping in groups such as Basement productions or the new Jacks but finally he decided to start his own career. In 1996 he released his first album, Infinite. The following year he decided to put out the Slim Shady EP. At this point his career took off. Eminame said: " Infinite was me trying to see how I wanted my rap style to be while Slim Shady is the evil side, the sarcastic side of me."
His next album, the slim shady LP reached the number 2 position in the album charts, thanks to the success of the single " my name is", and Best album for his album The Slim Shady LP. Emminem's latest album The Marshall Mathers LP was released in May 2000. He got three MTV awards.
Emminem's lyrics and video have surprised and shocked many people. The slim shady LP was heavily criticised because of its reference to drug use. In his defence Emminem said, rather confusedly: " I do say things that I think will shock the people. But I don't do things to shock people..."

So what is Emminem all about? what is he? and what does it all mean? is he a pop star? a poet? an offensive young man who needs psychiatric help? is it all just a marketing image? or is he for real? and what a white guy is doing trying to imitate "black" music, anyway? Emminem's answer is very simple: " I 'm white in a music started by black people. I'm not ignorant to it. I'm not trying to take anything away from the culture."
Meanwhile Emminem says his number one ambition is to be a film star.

Adapted from

I. Reading comprehension 8pts

A. Choose the most appropriate title for this text.
1. Eminem a violent rapper. 2. Eminem: a controversial rapper.
3. Eminem: a famous rapper. 4. Eminem: powerful rapper.

B. Read the text carefully and match each title with one of the five paragraphs of the text. One has been done for you. 2pts.

Titles Paragraphs
Rap P2
5. a difficult childhood P...........
6. shocking lyrics P............
7. The future P..........
8. Glory P..........

C. Choose the right answer a, b, c or d 2pts

9. Eminem dropped out of school means:
a. he started school b. he abandoned school
c. he didn't like school d. he played very much at school

10. ... he released his fisrt album means:
a. he sent his first album b. he put out his first album
c. he sang his first album d. he wrote the lyrics of his first album
11. an award means:
a. a prize b. a contribution
c. a difficulty d. an order
12. at this point his carrer took off means:
a. his carreer stopped b. his career started well
c. his career was in danger d. his career was neglected

D. All the following sentences are true. Justify by quoting from the text.
13. Eminem studied in many schools during his childhood.
14. Eminem's albums received a lot of distinction.
15. People think that Eminem's album's are shocking.

II. Linguistic Competence 7pts

E. Complete the following sentences with the right item a, b, c or d (2pts)
16. Stop .......your rap songs. I 'm trying to concentrate.
a. to sing b. to singing c. singing d. sing
17. If the lyrics of his songs were not shocking, people.........his latest album.
a. would buy b. bought c. will have bought d. would have bought
18. Many adults don't like rap music,..........................?
a. don't they b. like they c. do they d. are they
19.Ndongo J, Father Freddy and Lord Aladji Man.......... as "Daraa J" since 1995.
a. are rapping b. were rapping c. rapped d. have been rapping.

F. Complete the second sentence of each pair so that it has the same meaning as the first one. (2pts)
20. Youssou Ndour released his lattest album Sant Yalla in 2003.
20. Youssou Ndour's lattest album..................................... in 2003.
21. People say that Rapadio's lyrics are aggressive and shocking.
21. Rapadio's lyrics are..........
22.Lamine's father said: " I don't what kind of society you rappers want."
22. Lamine's father said that he ...............
23. In senegal many young people prefer rap music to mbalax.
23. In Senegal many young people like........................ mbalax.

G. Complete following passage by choosing the appropriate preposition from the box below. ( 3pts)

on- in- to- in- at-

Music is very important ......... the life of young people. So after a week of hard work............. school, it may not be bad at all for a student to go ............ a concert or watch a musical programme .......... television.
However, if young people spend too much only, they might regret it in the future.

III. Writing 5PTS ( 100 words/ 10 lines) Choose one topic only.
Topic 1:
What genre of music do you prefer? rap? mbalax? traditional music? Why do you prefer this particular kind of music?
write a letter to a penfriend telling him or her about a concert you went to a week ago. Give him or her details about the singer the musicians, the music and the fans who came to wacht the concert.
Three friends Ibrahima, Abdoul and Mariama are discussing about the Senegalese rap and rap singers. Abdou who is rapping in a group called " Ponkal yi Possee" doesn't share Ibrahima's and Mariama's opinions. Read the beginning of their conversation and use your own words to complete it.

Ibrahima: Abdoul you and your friends are very strange.
Abdoul: Man, what's up again? rap is real and you must understand that.
Ibrahima: My brother you have to know that it's not because you are a rapper that you must look like an American.
Mariama: stop dreaming! We are not in the USA.

épreuves d'anglais du bac des années passées:

Consultez les épreuves d'anglais des années passées dans les archives de

Corrigé de l'épreuve du bfem 2OO3

A. True or false

Attention ici on ne vous demande pas si les phrases sont vraies ou fausses. On a dit qu'elles sont toute fausses et justifier. C'est inhabituel, mais il faut toujours faire attention à la consigne donnée.

1. False: " there was a total silence in the classroom and everybody was looking at me."
2. false: "I was unable to write a single letter."
3. false: " just forget about us " the teacher told me in a low and gentle voice.
4. false: " standing at the blackboard with the eyes of the many boys and girls."
B. Answer the following questions

5. understanding, supportive, helpful, friendly

6. half paralysed, unable to write, my mind went blank, I intended to run away
C. Matching


II. Linguistic competence

D. complete

11. c. is
12. d. wouldn't
13. c. didn't he?
14. a. are having
E. reformulations

15. The pupil said that he couldn't answer that question.
16.The teacher asked the boy to write his name.
17. The teacher asked the kids where they were going then.
18. A prize will be given to the best student by the headmaster.
F. Blank Filling.

19. I know the boy who was sent to the board.
20.Mr Njaay, whose son is a doctor, lives in that house.
21. This is the man that I met yesterday.
22. What surprises me is that they lost the match.
G. Sentence correction.
23. He couldn't write some letters of his name.
24. The girl in front of the teacher is not so shy as the boy.
1. Il s'agit ici d'ecrire un dialogue entre vous et votre ami qui est tres timide pour lui donner plus de confiance.
2. Là il s'agit de d'ecrire l'école élémentaire que vous avez fréquenter.
3. Ici il s'agit d'écrire une lettre a votre correspondant pour lui parler de votre collége.

Nous vous donnerons des idées sur les techniques pour écrire un bon essay. Comme vous le constater ce blog a été créer hier.

Epreuve du Bfem 2003


It was my first day at school. I was shy and half paralysed when the teacher pointed at me and told me to go to the board. There was a total silence in the classroom and everybody was looking at me. The teacher asked me to wriite my name and address; I knew my name and address, knew how to write it, knew how to spell it; but standing at the blackboard with the eyes of the many boys and girls looking at my back paralysed me... I was unable to write a single letter.
" Write your name", the teacher called to me.
I lifted the white chalk to the black board and, as I was about to write my name, my mind went blank; I could not remember my name, not even the first letter. Somebody laughed; I was so afraid that I intended to run away from the classroom.
" just forget us and write your name and address", the teacher told me in a low and gentle voice.
I tried to write , but my hand would refuse to move. The children began to laugh again.
" Don't you know your name?" The teacher asked.
I looked at her and I could not answer. She rose up and and walked to my side, smiling at me to give me confidence. She placed her hand tenderly upon my shoulder.
"What's your name?" She asked.
" Richard" I whispered
"Richard what ?"
" Richard Wright"
"Spell it". I spelled my name in a wild rush of letters, trying desperately to overcome my paralysing shyness.
" You may go to your seat", the teacher said.
I sat down with all my body trembling, hearing the pupils whisper about me, and hating myself, hating them, hating the blackboard.

Richard Wright, Black Boy.

I. Comprehension:
Read the text carefully and answer the questions. ( 8pts)

A./ All the following sentences are false. Justify it by quoting from the texte. (2pts)
1. The classroom was very noisy.
2. The boy could write only the first letter of his name.
3. The teacher spoke to him in a loud and harsh voice.
4. It was a small class.
B./ Read the text and answer the following questions.
5. Choose from the following list four adjectives that apply to the teacher: ( 2pts)
hard; understanding; friendly; severe; ironical; helpful; menacing; supportive.
quote from the text to justify your answer.
6. List four physical manifestation of the boy's shyness. ( 2pts)
C./ Match each word of column A with its synonym in column B. (2pts)

7. whisper a. empty
8. tremble b. murmur
9. shyness c. shiver
10. blank d.timidity

II./ Linguistic competence ( 7pts)

D./ Complete with the right verb form. ( 2 pts)
11. He will work with his father when he .................. twenty.
a. has b. will have c. is d. will be
12. If the boy learnt his lesson, he.......................... be punished.
a. won't b. will c. would have been d. wouldn't
13. He feared the board, ............................................?
a. doesn't he b. did he c. didn't he d. hadn't he
14. The workers............................... a rest at the moment.
a. are having b. will have c. have had d. had
E./ Reformulate the sentences as indicated. (2pts)
15. " I can't answer this question", the pupil said
The pupil said that....................................
16. " write your name", the teacher asked the boy
The teacher asked the boy.........................
17. " where are you going now?", the tacher asked the kids
The teacher aeked the kids.........................
18. The headmaster wiil give a prize to the best student.
A prize.....................................
F./ Fill in the blanks with "who", "that", "which", "whose" or "what" ( 2pts)
19. I know the boy.................... was sent to tje board.
20. Mr. Njaay,............................son is a doctor, lives in that house.
21. This is the man....................I met yesterday.
22. ................................ surprises me is that they lost the match.
G./ The following sentences are not correct. Rewrite them in the correct form. ( 1pt)

23. He couldn't write some letter of his name.
24.The girl in front of the teacher was not so shy than the boy.

III./ Writing: ( about 10 lines)- choose one subject only. (5pts)

1. Is it good for a student to be shy? What would you say to a friend who is shy to make him more confident? Write yoour converssation.
2. Describe the primary school you went to.
3. Write a letter to a penfriend telling him/her about your college.



Ce blog a été créer pour permettre aux élevés de troisième et de terminales de mieux préparer l'épreuve d'anglais au Bfem et au bac.